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Use Bible Journaling to Keep a Valuable Record of What God is Teaching You

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2024

Bible journaling is not only a creative outlet but also a powerful tool for spiritual growth and reflection.

As we engage with scripture and meditate on its truths, we often discover profound lessons that God imparts to us personally.

Keeping a record of these teachings through Bible journaling allows us to reflect on our spiritual journey, revisit the truths God is teaching us, and witness our growth over time.

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of recording what God is teaching you through Bible journaling and share practical tips to help you create a meaningful spiritual journal.

1. Reflect on what you have read

Through Bible journaling, we create a visual representation of our thoughts, prayers, and reflections on scripture. By recording what God is teaching us, we create a lasting reference to revisit later. As you journal, take a moment to reflect on the lessons you've learned, the insights gained, and the impact these teachings have on your faith and life. This process of reflection helps deepen your understanding and strengthens your connection with God.

2. Document your journey

Keeping a record of what God is teaching you through Bible journaling allows you to track your spiritual journey over time. Flip through the pages of your journal and witness the growth and transformation you've experienced. Reflecting on past entries can remind you of the faithfulness of God and the lessons learned in different seasons of life. It's a testament to God's guidance and a source of encouragement during challenging times. The practice of going back to review past entries has made a significant impact on the growth of my faith. I pray it does the same for you.

3. Personalize your entry

Make your Bible/journal a personal and meaningful representation of your relationship with God. Alongside your artistic expressions, jot down specific scriptures, insights, or messages that resonate with you. Write down prayers, praises, or personal stories that relate to the passage you are journaling. Use your journal as a canvas to capture your thoughts, feelings, and revelations, allowing you to revisit these moments and draw inspiration in the future. God is the same God today as He was when the Bible was written. Over time, while keeping a record and reviewing it,  you’ll see His faithfulness and your foundation of trust in Him will grow stronger.

4. Include application and action steps

Bible journaling is not just about gaining knowledge; it's about applying what we learn to our lives. As you record what God is teaching you, consider including action steps or practical applications of these teachings. Ask yourself how these lessons can impact your relationships, decisions, or daily habits. Write down commitments to act upon what God reveals to you, and review them periodically to assess your growth and commitment to living out your faith. In the photo of my Bible above, you'll see a commitment that I made to God and dated 7/10/2016. Little did I know what God was going to ask me to do shortly after making that promise. It was a life-changing experience that I'm glad I said yes to.  Looking back I see where He was preparing my heart long before He asked me to do hard things. Make your journaling personal and review the commitments and decisions you make in your faith journey.  It's worth it.

5. Stay consistent and cultivate discipline

Keeping a record of what God is teaching you through Bible journaling requires consistency and discipline. Set aside regular time for journaling, whether it's daily, weekly, or whenever you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit. Establishing a routine helps you stay connected to God's Word and ensures you don't miss out on valuable lessons and revelations.

Recording what God is teaching you through Bible journaling is a profound way to document your spiritual journey and deepen your relationship with God. By reflecting on insights, documenting your journey, personalizing your entries, including application steps, and cultivating discipline, you can create a meaningful spiritual journal that serves as a tangible reminder of God's faithfulness and guidance in your life. As you embark on this journey, may your Bible journal become a treasured testament to God's work in your heart that you review regularly and a source of inspiration for others.

To learn the step by step process of Bible journaling and recording the truth God is teaching you, Sign up for our FREE workshop “4 Steps to Restore Peace and Experience Rest in Bible Journaling”.

In this workshop, you can watch over my shoulder and make a Bible journaling entry right along with me. You’ll also get a printable pack of graphics to get you started making meaningful entries, even if you can’t draw. Click HERE to register today and I’ll see you there!


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