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Try This Peaceful Style of Bible Journaling

In a world filled with noise and busyness, finding peace and tranquility is a precious gift. Bible journaling offers a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, providing a peaceful and simple style of creative expression. By embracing minimalism and focusing on the essence of what we read in God’s Word, we can create a serene space that allows us to connect deeply with God's Word. In this blog post, we will explore the beauty of a simple style of Bible journaling and how it can cultivate a sense of peace for your mind and nourishment for your heart.

1. Embrace Minimalism:

A peaceful and simple approach to Bible journaling involves embracing minimalism in our creative expression. Instead of elaborate designs or intricate artwork, we focus on simplicity and minimal embellishments. This style allows the words of scripture to take center stage, inviting us to savor and meditate on their meaning. By intentionally decluttering our pages, we create a visual calmness that promotes a tranquil atmosphere for reflection and contemplation. Resist the urge to copy elaborate artistic entries you may have seen on social media.  There is a time and a place for that style of Bible journaling, but today we’re focusing on simplicity. Doodles and stickers come in really handy here! In the illustration below, note how a simple doodle and a few words creates a beautiful reminder. Simple is beautiful. *Side note: at the end of this post I'll show you how to get the "doodle cheat sheet" you see pictured here.

2. Select Key Verses:

To keep Bible journaling simple, we need to be intentional about selecting key verses that resonate deeply with our hearts. Rather than attempting to cover an entire chapter or passage, we choose specific verses or phrases that speak directly to us. By hand-lettering or highlighting these verses, we create a focal point that draws our attention and invites us to reflect on their significance. This intentional selection brings clarity and allows us to delve deeper into the message of God's Word.  When you subscribe to our Bible Journaling Idea Kit, each month you'll get many Bible journaling supplies including a handy verse list that gives you a verse to read each weekday and cute coordinating graphics to make Bible journaling simple and peaceful. You can get more info HERE.

3. Incorporate White Space:

White space plays a crucial role in cultivating a sense of peace and simplicity in our Bible journaling. By intentionally leaving areas of the page blank, we create “breathing room” for our thoughts and reflections. The absence of clutter provides space for our minds to rest, allowing us to absorb the scripture and listen to the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit. White space invites us to pause, reflect, and savor the beauty of simplicity in our creative process.

4. Utilize Calming Colors:

Color can greatly influence our mood and emotions. In peaceful Bible journaling, we opt for calming colors that evoke a sense of tranquility. Soft pastels, muted tones, or earthy shades can create a soothing atmosphere on our pages. These gentle hues complement the simplicity of our design and evoke a peaceful ambiance that encourages a deeper connection with God's Word. The choice of colors becomes intentional, enhancing the overall sense of serenity in our journaling practice. With that being said, there is no right or wrong color to use, different colors might elicit different feelings for you.  Use colors that feel calming for you personally.

5. Cultivate a Peaceful Atmosphere:

Peaceful Bible journaling is not solely about the final outcome on the page, but also about cultivating a calm atmosphere throughout the process. As we engage with scripture and engage in creative expression, we do so with a mindset of quiet contemplation. We approach each stroke of the pen or brush with intentionality, allowing the creative act to become a form of worship and prayer. Through this practice, we experience a profound sense of peace and connection with God.

Embracing a peaceful and simple style of Bible journaling invites us to slow down, quiet our hearts, and find rest in the pages of Scripture. By embracing minimalism, selecting key verses, incorporating white space, utilizing calming colors, and cultivating a peaceful atmosphere, we create a sanctuary of peace within the pages of our journals. In this tranquil space, we encounter the transformative power of God's Word and find rest for our weary souls. Embrace the beauty of simplicity in your Bible journaling practice, allow it to nourish your spirit and bring you closer to the peaceful presence of God.

 To learn the step by step process of Bible journaling and recording the truth God is teaching you, attend our FREE workshop “4 Steps to Restore Peace and Experience Rest in Bible Journaling”. In that workshop, you can watch over my shoulder and make a Bible journaling entry right along with me. You’ll also get a printable pack of graphics (*including the doodle cheat sheet) to get you started making meaningful entries, even if you can’t draw. Click HERE to register today and I’ll see you there!


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