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Discover the Character of God Through Bible Journaling

The pursuit of a deeper understanding of God's character is a lifelong journey that brings us closer to His heart. Bible journaling, a creative and introspective practice, provides a unique avenue for discovering and unveiling the multifaceted nature of God. When we combine our artistic expression with time in God's Word, we embark on a transformative journey that reveals His love, mercy, wisdom, and faithfulness. In this blog post, we will explore how Bible journaling can become a powerful tool for discovering and experiencing the character of God in a personal and profound way, and we’ll talk about how to record what you learn in a creative way so you can be reminded of His character when you need it most.

 Engaging with Scripture:

Bible journaling invites us to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, studying, meditating, and reflecting on His teachings, promises, and stories. As we select passages that resonate with us and then explore their meaning, we gain insight into the character of God. Through underlining, highlighting, and journaling our reflections, we begin to discover His attributes—His love, grace, justice, and compassion—unfolding before our eyes. His character is consistent throughout Scripture and continues to be consistent in our lives today.  As we seek to understand His character, He reveals Himself to us in our everyday circumstances.  That’s when you want to pull out a pen and write down what He’s teaching you about Himself so you don’t forget. It's also a good idea to date your entries so you can see the progression of your faith journey over time.

Visualizing God's Truths:

Visual representation has a remarkable way of imprinting truths in our hearts and minds. Bible journaling allows us to create visual reminders of God's character through colors, illustrations, and hand-lettering. By visually expressing His qualities, we engage our senses and create tangible reminders of who God is. These visual cues prompt us to reflect on His attributes, reinforcing our understanding and deepening our connection with Him. When I first started Bible journaling, I created a single page in a journal where I would write down each of the attributes of God as I experienced them.  When I was going through a difficult time in my marriage and experienced God as a counselor, I wrote down "Counselor" in my journal.  When I had a specific need and God met that need, I hand lettered “Provider” on the page. Day after day, week after week, God revealed Himself in new and creative ways and my page got more and more crowded with my creative representations of His character. Now when I look back on that page, I remember the experiences I had as I discovered the character of God on a personal level.  No longer were they just words on a page, they were representations of truth that reached the recesses of my heart.

Personalizing God's Promises:

God's character is revealed through His promises and the fulfillment of those promises in our lives. Bible journaling offers an opportunity to personalize these promises, making them intimately meaningful. By selecting and illustrating verses that resonate with our experiences, struggles, and victories, we create visual representations that encapsulate God's faithfulness and steadfastness. These personalized reminders anchor our faith and strengthen our trust in His character.

Encountering God's Presence:

Bible journaling serves as a pathway to encounter God's presence and experience His character firsthand. As we spend time in creative reflection, we create sacred spaces where we can commune with God. Through prayer, worship, and quiet contemplation, we open our hearts to His guidance and allow His character to transform us from within. In these moments, we experience the beauty and depth of His love, mercy, and grace. You’ll want to come back and be reminded of that experience. Bible journaling serves as a memento of sorts, sparking your memory so you can recall the time spent with Him.


 Bible journaling opens the door to discovering the character of God in a personal and profound way. As we engage with scripture, visualize His truths, personalize His promises, and encounter His presence, we embark on a transformative journey of knowing God deeply. In the process, we come to understand His love, mercy, wisdom, and faithfulness on a profound level. Embrace the practice of Bible journaling and allow it to lead you into a deeper and richer understanding of the character of God, transforming your relationship with Him in beautiful and awe-inspiring ways.

 To learn the step by step process of Bible journaling and recording the truth God is teaching you, attend our FREE workshop “4 Steps to Restore Peace and Experience Rest in Bible Journaling”. In that workshop, you can watch over my shoulder and make a Bible journaling entry right along with me. You’ll also get a printable pack of graphics to get you started making meaningful entries, even if you can’t draw. Click HERE to register today and I’ll see you there!


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