I'll show you as you follow along with me step by step even if you don't have art supplies and even if you can't draw. Starting today, you can move from regret that you haven't been having regular quiet time, to relief and excitement because you know you're on the right track.
"I appreciate that you made it doable for those of us who don’t always feel artistic. You have inspired me to get back into the Word and do more with my journaling. For a long time I was AFRAID to write in my Bible. Even afraid to UNDERLINE!! Then I realized that THAT was my connection to God and it helps me go back to where I’ve been when I need it again!! "
You'll have access to the 3 part video library and can watch them whenever it's convenient for you.
🌸A 30-Day Bible reading plan is included with the course as a digital download so you'll have everything you need to start today and keep the habit going.
Imagine how good it will feel to be able to confidently keeping an artistic record of the story God is writing in you without worrying about whether you're doing it right or not. I'll be with you every step of the way.
Click the button below to get instant access to the digital course.
The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow and implement.
You'll quickly be journaling confidently because you'll know exactly how to get started.
You'll be on your way to creating a treasured keepsake you can look back on and strengthen your walk with God.
Get started creating a record of your time spent with Jesus today.
50% Complete
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